Agenda  Details
Consolidation ifrs - Etude de cas
En savoir plus

The session is about case studies related to the application of the IFRS main accounting principles of consolidation requirements. By attending this course, participant will :

  • Have a refresh about main accounting principles of consolidation under IFRS;
  • Work on specific situations and difficulties to assess the control;
  • Work on specific situations to identify an investment entity and consequences for a group;
  • Analyze, via concrete examples, the consequences of an acquisition performed by steps (“step-acquisition”);
  • Work on a full and complete example of a first consolidation, including the identification of the assets acquired and the liabilities assumed as well as the calculation of the goodwill;
  • Have a case study in relation with the estimation of the non-controlling interest during a first consolidation.

The training will be an interactive sessions and an open discussion on the above mentioned cases.

Infos pratiques

Date : 25 October 2023 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Intervenant(s) : Sebastian Kunrath, Manager Audit & Assurance, Deloitte

Frais d'inscription : 300 EUR

Langue : English

Nombre maximum de participants : 30

Public visé : Experts who would like to refresh, Intermediates and/or Beginners after having followed the session “Consolidation – Principles de base”

Catégorie de la formation : Audits d’états financiers consolidés

Note : La formation sera donnée en anglais et en français.

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